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Brazilian worker, believe me: even that friend of yours who knows how to juggle empty bottles at the bar can find someone to teach for 100 reais.

Seriously, the world is a place full of people interested in crazy things. So if you have some weird and quirky talent, don't be shy, sell it!

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Share your bizarre knowledge and be a successful mentor in the world of oddities. Who knows, maybe you'll end up setting up a school of spoon juggling, huh?

The important thing is never to underestimate the power of knowledge, however eccentric it may be!

Identify the thing you know

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The first step in putting together a successful mentorship is to identify the area in which you have significant knowledge and experience.

Think about skills or subjects that you excel at that could be useful to others. It could be something related to your professional field, a hobby, a passion or even a unique life experience.

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By identifying your area of expertise, you will be able to more effectively offer guidance and support.

Who knows this thing less than you?

Before starting a mentorship, it is important to clearly define your objectives and identify your target audience.

Reflect on what you hope to achieve with mentoring and how you can contribute to the growth and development of the people you mentor.

Also, consider the specific characteristics and needs of your target audience.

This will help adapt your mentoring program to meet your mentees' expectations and demands.

How can you teach?

Successful mentoring requires a clear, organized structure.

Determine the duration of the mentoring program, whether short, medium or long term, and establish a frequency for mentor-mentee interactions.

Define the format of the mentoring sessions, whether in person, by telephone, video conference or through online platforms.

Also, set measurable goals and milestones to track mentees' progress and development throughout the program.

Start now

Setting up a successful mentorship is a rewarding process that involves sharing knowledge and experiences to help others achieve their goals.

Anyone who has knowledge in any field can find someone to teach.

By identifying your area of expertise, defining clear objectives, establishing an appropriate mentoring structure and promoting learning actions, you will be prepared to create an impactful mentorship.

People who can help you:

victor damasio

Oak Icarus

Eric Rocha

Leandro Ladeira

Websites that can help you:



Remember that mentoring is not just about imparting knowledge, but also about inspiring, motivating and guiding your mentees along their journeys of personal and professional growth.