Learn here how to recognize a signature, sign documents through the federal government portal, abandon queues and costs.

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The electronic signature feature of the federal government, allows you to digitally sign documents for free right there in your house, maybe you already know that, but maybe you have doubts about the subject, or even you didn't know; Well, to do this, you just need to have an account and when you register on the federal government platform using facial recognition or Internet Banking validation or even a compatible digital certificate, you already get this comfortable and practical upgrade directly from your home.

In Brazil, there is a culture used to seals, stamps and protocols, which still fill people's offices every day, even today with the possibility of using the digital signature, which in a few minutes has your document signature with the same legal validity as a document signed at a notary, or even a notarization, did you know that you don't need to go to the notary anymore to notarize in ninety-five percent of cases? When we stop to analyze this scenario and the reasons that lead people to choose to wait in queues for hours, instead of using technological and faster means, we are faced with a lack of information, and that is why I am going to ask you to share this article with someone, because many people still don't know that digital signature replaces, for example, signature recognition in ninety-five percent of cases, this happens because of doubts they have about legal validity, data security, fraud and many others insecurities, because that's what Brazilians do, but that's what this blog exists for.

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If you analyze with me, fraud and errors, for example, are much more frequent in cases of physical documents, because they are susceptible to human failures Losses, modifications, among other factors that put the integrity of the signed document or contract at risk, that's why large companies are increasingly leaving the stamp culture behind, placing their trust in much more effective technological means such as digital signature, (there is a difference between electronic and digital signature, digital we use digital certificate), this is much more secure, in addition to the security and agility of signing these documents digitally, it brings many benefits if you compare it, for example, with the traditional method of sending the document, printing it, physically sending it to collect the signature at the notaries, receiving it back, storing the file, sending for someone back…. Look, this is a thing of the past, in addition to having unnecessary costs.

What you need to know is that there are currently two types of notarization, recognition by authenticity or similarity, while in the first the signatory personally proves that he is the owner of the signature by signing at the notary, in the second the authorship of the document is verified with the records of the databases, is it not that due to the greater rigidity of recognition for authenticity, the practice used to be required in documents such as, for example, transfer of a vehicle, there is resistance in the adhesion of digital signatures, in Brazil many people do not even know that it there is, both digital and electronic signatures, have legal validity and are supported by MP 2200-2/2001 validated by other laws that came later, it is precisely the digital signature with digital certificate that has the same legal validity as the pen signature there in the notary, what is the exception? the only exception that is still exclusively up to the registry offices, (hopefully for a short time), is the purchase and sale of real estate that requires the public deed and the transfer of the owner to the used property, it also requires that you go to the registry office ; knowing this, you will see how easy it is to digitally sign a document that replaces the notarization of a notary, and we are going to do this through the federal government website.

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Let's say someone asks me to sign a document at a notary, or even authenticate a document, here we go:

  1. Access the government website https://sso.acesso.gov.br/login?client_id=contas.acesso.gov.br&authorization_id=181a07eb72f
  2. Create your free government website account
  3. Access the account and click on choose the file you want to sign (the file to be signed must be in .pdf format)
  4. Make the signature in the space where you want it in the digital document
  5. Insert the code number by sms sent to your cell phone.
  6. Download the now signed version of the file.

To facilitate access, validation and read more about the laws that support it, we will leave the links below:

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Sign Digital Document Online – http://assinador.iti.br/

Check Digital Document Online – https://verificador.iti.br/

Law that Authorizes the Digital Signature - https://bit.ly/3lOQnEK

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