The launch of the CDB + CARD products has won over Brazilians, and gained market share for being fair, safe and profitable.
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Having a good credit card limit has always been the consumer dream (literally) of many people. And if it's the famous black, even better; It turns out that for this to happen many factors are necessary, where a good score is a premise but not enough, it is necessary to have a good history of bank transactions, a good financial flow, consume bank products available in your current account, present your annual income tax return, having a good relationship with your financial institution and of course, a good proven income. And let's be honest? This is a reality for few Brazilians. 

With that in mind, digital banks, credit fintechs such as C6 bank, PagBank etc, have launched a new product on the market, curious to say the least, and why not say interesting, called CDB + Credit Card.

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What is a CDB + Credit Card?

The proposal is simple, you make an investment in a CDB application, and the amount you invest, it returns as a credit limit on your card. That is, if you invested R$100.00, your credit card will automatically increase with the same investment amount, in the example R$100.00. 

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application rules

Of course, not everything is rosy, but there are advantages, some rules must be observed by investors, such as, for example, and perhaps the essential one, is that your credit card limit is linked to your investment, that is, when you see your card invoice and if you do not pay it, the invoice will automatically be paid with the investment amount.

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You made an investment of R$100.00 and that made your credit limit R$100.00. In the current month you used R$70.00 of this limit with different purchases or at your discretion, at the turn of the month, you will receive the invoice for payment of the same, with the maturity date you selected when you made your first investment, if you pay the invoice for R$70.00 in full, your investment in the CDB remains intact, with the amount invested + interest received, and the R$70.00 returns as a limit on your card. If you have an unforeseen event and you have not paid the invoice on time, the same R$70.00 will be deducted from your investment in the initial CDB, which will now have the balance of INTEREST RECEIVED IN THE PERIOD + R$30.00 (which is the remainder of the R$100.00 invested initially).

What are the advantages?

  1. You don't run the risk of defaulting or getting caught up in credit card debt.
  2. You will not have your income compromised by extrapolating your card expenses.
  3. If you have money left over that month, it's worth investing in the CDB, and also, of course, having a credit card.
  4. At the same time that you use your credit card, you earn by receiving interest daily on the CDB.
  5. You will have a credit limit, only with the amount you are able to pay.
  6. You can increase the limit month by month, making that “savings” and still enjoy safe investment and at least twice as profitable as savings.

Among the digital banks that are offering these modalities, two stand out, in which we recommend:

  1. BANK C6
    1. Yields 100% of the CDI, that is, your money is protected from inflation (not even your savings project today).
    2. Use the same debit card you already have from the bank.
    3. Daily rescue.
    4. Limit released in minutes.
    5. Minimum investment of one hundred reais.
    1. Yields up to 120% of the CDI (best yield on the market in this modality).
    2. Good interest rate of return on investment.
    3. Exclusive credit card for the modality and very presentable with zero annuity.
    4. Daily rescue.
    5. Limit released in up to two business days.
    6. Minimum investment of One real for 110% of the CDI
    7. Minimum investment of Five Hundred Reais, for 120% of the CDI.

Evaluate and find the best decisions for your money.