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The search for self-knowledge and spiritual guidance has been a constant in human history.

Over the years, people have resorted to various tools to gain guidance about their life, through astrology, palm reading, coffee grounds, cards, and many other forms of fortune telling.

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The mystical world attracts people from different locations, including amusement parks with consultations with gypsies, tarologists, illusionism shows, circuses, sessions with spiritualists.

As the decades passed and technology advanced, several apps and websites dedicated to these fortune-telling practices emerged, offering users quick and convenient access to these forms of esoteric knowledge.

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In this article, we are going to explore three of these popular decks with different types of card readings. 

Online Fortune Teller

Cartomante Online is a card reading application with different types of decks, such as Gypsy, Tarot and Spanish. The user can ask for guidance on any subject of interest, such as relationships, career, spiritual issues, among others. For those who are in doubt about what to ask, the application offers the options "Past-Present-Future" and the "Celtic Cross", which help direct questions and provide a more comprehensive view of the chosen topic. In addition to convenience, one of the biggest benefits is discretion. The user can ask the questions that are most convenient and without judgments.

Continues after advertising.. – is a website offering free and paid online tarot readings, allowing users to get answers to their most pressing questions, with an active community for sharing experiences. In addition, the site offers courses and educational resources for those who wish to learn card reading and interpretation for themselves.

Golden Thread Tarot – Golden Thread Tarot is an app and website that offers a modern and aesthetically pleasing approach. Developed by an artist and tarot practitioner, Golden Thread Tarot features a minimalist design and unique illustrations. The app offers tarot readings, the app and an interactive guide to learn about the meaning of the cards and their interpretation. Users can explore different card layouts and receive guidance on love, career, spirituality and other areas that interest them. The app also allows users to take notes on their readings and track their tarot learning progress.

While each of these platforms has its main focus, they all share the common goal of providing guidance and insights to their users.

They allow people to explore their inner world, get answers and find clarity around different aspects of their lives.

These platforms offer unprecedented convenience, allowing users to access these esoteric practices anytime, anywhere via their mobile devices or computers.

Fortune telling has never been more accessible, however, it's important to remember that these apps and websites are tools and should be used judiciously.

While they can provide useful insights and guidance, they are not a substitute for critical thinking, personal intuition, or seeking professional guidance when needed. Interpreting symbols and cards requires specialized skills and knowledge, and it is always recommended to seek out experienced and trusted readers for the most in-depth and accurate readings.

With the right mix of curiosity, openness and insight, these platforms can be an enriching source of knowledge and support for those looking to connect with their inner selves and explore the mysteries of the universe.