Elon musk also wants to go beyond the sky with his famous company Spacex

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Your companies never tire of launching innovative and even revolutionary products, they break revenue and profit records, you become the richest man in the world even so that is not enough for the president of your country, the greatest superpower in the world, like you, and even during the conflict of the current war this enmity makes headlines.

This is the case of the rivalry between Elon Musk and American President Joe Biden; Elon Musk often prints on newspaper covers and appears on the list of topics of the moment, on Twitter his name attracts the masses, it would not be an exaggeration to say that among younger people almost everyone knows him or knows his companies, we are always looking to the future of technology and cars are always the subject of speculation about what will be the next big innovation that will set the trends in the world's automobiles and flying cars, probably the biggest technological evolution that people expect to be electric cars, cars that Tesla, the other companies that produce electric cars have Tesla as a model to be followed and also copied Tesla without fear, from selling directly to the public to similar and very high prices at the beginning, but even suffered for this reason, manufacturing extremely expensive cars far from the purchasing power of the masses, the company spent the years making losses, perhaps that was the price of innovation, but until now it has become more accessible in recent years, especially in 2017 when it launched its main model for the general population, the Tesla Model 3, is the best-selling electric car of all time, the car was initially marketed at a value of 35,000 dollars, much more affordable than the first cars that the company had launched in previous years, despite this, only in 2020 did the company make a profit, and from there the sky was the limit for Elon Musk, or was it? No, it wasn't!

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Elon musk also wants to go beyond the sky with his famous company Spacex, Spacex is widely known mainly for the Starlink project, including the company directed its satellites from this project to help people access the internet in conflict during the current war, but not for that reason alone, Spacex is the only privately held company focused on space travel, which NASA trusts to fly its own crews off Earth and drop them off at the International Space Station, seems set on conquering space with its commercial voyages. , NASA also rewarded Spacex with a multi-million contract, defeating Jeff Bezos' Blue to build the spacecraft that will take man back to the moon after more than 50 years with his companies taking off, Elon was elevated to the rank of richest man in the world, and although the list of the richest people in the world changes somewhat quickly, he is always fighting for the first place, his main opponent may be Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon.

Even with all these accomplishments and after achieving all the aforementioned achievements, Elon Musk does not have the admiration of US President Joe Biden, despite having achieved a feat with his private company, sending three astronauts into Earth orbit and staying three days before return to earth, President Joe Biden did not congratulate him, nor even comment on the achievement, which is a great advance for private aerospace companies in the United States, what makes Biden's slight worse is that the space mission was also linked to a collection of funds that raised hundreds of millions of dollars for a children's cancer hospital and several notable people congratulated on the feat, from high-ranking NASA officials to its American opponent, the silence of the American president did not go unnoticed, the specialist media criticized him therefore, mainly highlighting the fact that the mission has a good intention, with the resources collected for children with cancer.

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Elon Musk is very different from Biden, he did not remain silent in the face of silence, and he just did not comment on the president's slight as he still provoked him through Twitter, he said the following: "about the American president, he must still be sleeping .” A very common joke about Joe Biden, who many claim to have a very calm attitude with a very passive air in speeches and actions so much so that to mock the image of the competitor during the 2020 presidential elections, Donald Trump nicknamed “by in the sleep Biden” , even doubled the criticism against the president after that fair fight, said that the Biden government was unsympathetic to him and that previous governments treated their businesses better, cited the fact that former president Barack Obama had visited Spacex facilities during his government, and also said that former President Trump discusses ideas with him in a friendly way, but there is in the past and even ironic of this rivalry is that Elon Biden and Biden, have very similar ambitions and goals, both for example strongly condemn the invasion Russia in Ukraine, but the field they have the most affinity for ideas is renewable energy as a way to replace the world's dependence on fossil fuels, the main way to reduce this dependence according to both, would be with the growth of the car industry electric instead of those powered by gasoline, according to him, each electric car on the roads is a victory for the environment, a great coincidence still in the field of environmental preservation is that Musk financed a contest to capture carbon in the earth to eliminate gases from the greenhouse effect of the earth's atmosphere, worth a hundred million dollars, is similar to President Biden, who announced a commitment during his campaign to finance research projects for carbon capture, Biden is also stimulating the production and popularization of electric vehicles, a The unsuspecting person could easily think that Biden and Musk are the ideal duo, but things are not like that, before Biden took over the American presidency, Elon Musk revealed his support for the newly elected president and that he was very enthusiastic about the new government, the main The reason for this excitement was that, according to Elon himself, the new government would be very focused on climate change.

Elon Musk also revealed that he follows President Biden on Twitter to follow all his movements, but that he even joked before Joe Biden's inauguration that he would make his advisors work for real with the government, he thought it would be reciprocated but that didn't happen, months after he suffered a major disappointment, Joe Biden decided to discuss certain economic advances with the leaders of the electric vehicle industry, such as General Motors and Ford, but without inviting Tesla to the meeting, this attitude of Biden was something quite difficult to defend after all, Musk owns the leading company in the electric and hybrid car sector, including one of Tesla's products and manufacturing moves more money in the US economy than the companies invited to the meeting by the president, Elon Musk did not make a point of hiding his annoyance with the fact that he was ignored by the meeting, and commented on Twitter that he felt strange about what happened, but probably the big problem that generates the rivalry between Joe Biden, is the fact that the businessman is totally opposed to that their employees are represented by unions, while General Motors and Ford are companies with unionized employees, we don't make a point of hiding that we appreciate them for that, despite the rivalry with the president of the greatest superpower in the world, Musk's companies both Tesla and Spacex continue to grow impressively, breaking their own revenue and profit records, neither the sky nor the president seems to be the limit for Elon Musk