challenges of being an entrepreneur in Brazil

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which ones challenges of being an entrepreneur in Brazil? We know that investors of capital and ideas in the country face major challenges and learning processes that can be positive or negative depending on their focus and market objective.

Whether small, medium or large market, the entrepreneur can face endless obstacles in his business on a daily basis. And not all entrepreneurs, because they own the idea or the company, can stop to enjoy their free time.

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Generally, the entrepreneur who, for the most part, is the owner or partner of the business, is the individual who works the hardest and thinks the market the most constantly.

In this article we will talk more about the main obstacles that entrepreneurs usually face in their daily lives.

Challenges of being an entrepreneur in Brazil

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People who decide to become entrepreneurs need to be aware that they will not have a boss or that they will be more responsible in the case of intrapreneurship (acting within a company as a collaborator), below are the main challenges.

1 – People management

When entrepreneurs decide to open their own business, they will certainly need partners, collaborators and employees.

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In this case, on a day-to-day basis, you will have to manage the people who will work in different sectors of the business, from production to customer service.

And managing people includes guiding, training, qualifying, monitoring the functions of each one and aiming to create a pleasant work environment for everyone.

2 – Financial management

When injecting equity or third-party capital into the company, the entrepreneur will need to be more careful with the corporation's finances. The project to undertake requires efficient and well-oriented financial management.

This area becomes more challenging, especially when the company's operating costs increase due to factors such as inflation and market downturn.

3 - Bureaucracy

Bureaucracies appear because of the legal and fiscal responsibilities and duties linked to the regulation of the operation of the business. And the bureaucracy may vary according to the market segment.

In Brazil, in the last fifteen years, bureaucracies for opening and closing companies have been greatly reduced, but our country is still among the most bureaucratic nations for opening, maintaining and closing a business.

4 – Innovation

The word innovation is in fashion, and in addition to being linked to the technological field and equipment applicable to production, it is also present in the renewal of methods and development of production processes.

Innovating depends on the observation of the entrepreneur and everyone on his team, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge and the generation of ideas.


Therefore, being an entrepreneur is a dream for many people, either to open their own business or to apply new ideas within an existing company where they already work.

Regardless of being able to undertake by opportunity or necessity, it is always important to be informed, to know the bases of the legislation, to seek guidance, consultancies and partners that in fact offer a positive sum to the project's activities.