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Whatsapp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. However, there are some features that many users wish they had, such as save the Status of your contacts, choose from thousands of fonts to write and recover deleted messages by contacts.

Save Status

Those who use Whatsapp know how much fun it is to see the Statuses of their contacts, but it is not always possible to save them to see them again later.

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With the new app, you can easily save your contacts' Statuses.

Just click “Save Status” and the image or video will be stored in your gallery.

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This is great for when you want to relive a funny or heartwarming moment, or share it with someone who hasn't seen the Status.

Mobile, Business and Web together

Whatsapp Business is an essential tool for small businesses that want to communicate with their customers in a more professional way.

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However, you often have to switch between different apps to use Whatsapp Business and Personal Whatsapp.

With the new application, it is possible to access both through the same platform, making communication more efficient and organized.

Furthermore, the new app also lets you access Whatsapp Web directly without the need to scan a QR code every time you want to use it.

This is especially useful if you work in an office or on a desktop computer and don't want to use your cell phone all the time.

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If you're someone who likes to customize your chat experience, then you'll love the feature to choose from thousands of fonts to write with.

The new app comes with a huge library of fonts to choose from, from classic fonts to the most modern and extravagant ones. Now you can have your own unique writing style and stand out in conversations.

deleted messages

Have you ever had an important conversation with someone and suddenly realized it was gone?

It could be that the other person deleted the conversation by mistake or for some other reason. With the new app, you can recover messages deleted by your contacts easily.

Just go to the conversation in question and click on “Recover Deleted Messages“.

The app will restore all messages that were deleted by your contact, so you can read and reply as if nothing happened.

The services you need

We have some extra tips for you who got this far: always search in a trusted site and download apps from one safe source.