On a DEBIT CARD or CREDIT CARD? We hear that question every day, don't we?
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A popular finance speaker created a certain amount of curiosity in the financial market when he made the following statements in his speech to a sold-out audience:

“Don't have a debit card! I never had a debit card, nor did my three children. The safest method in the financial world is a credit card, why use my money if I can use the bank's, mine money is saved, invested and accruing interest to increase my earnings.” (Frank Abagnale Jr.)

  • Not making your own money available
  • use bank money
  • leave my money invested
  • Increase my income at the same time
  • Secure method as it is possible to cancel a payment
  • Better organize your finances

Does quantity make a difference?

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Of course, you might be thinking, ah, but who said that is a rich guy, who has a lot of money saved, yes, it could be, it was a big investor who said it, but there is another question we can ask, is he a mega investor why do you do that, among other merits in knowing how to deal with money?

I believe and insist that anyone can do this, and what he says all the time makes sense, even if he has little, but he puts the payment in cash for the month in some investment, such as fixed income, real estate funds, and withdraws it only when necessary. pay the card bill, doesn't it make a lot of sense?

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Today credit cards accept various payments, just register it in some fintechs application (digital banks), such as PAGBANK, PICPAY, ACESSO CARD among others, see what you can do, to exchange the money saved in payment for a credit card credit:

  • Pay bank bills by credit card
  • Bank slip installments on credit card
  • Pay energy, internet and condominium bills
  • All establishments receive credit

Lose the fear of using your credit card, which we never recommend, is to use all your available money in the month, and also use your credit card limit. Do one or the other.

Are you out of credit limit?

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I have excellent news for you, the banks C6 and PAG SEGURO, launched on the market, a modality of CARD LIMIT as much as possible for their customers, that is, if you have one hundred reais saved, those one hundred reais can become your limit or be added to your current limit, just save in the CDB-CREDIT mode, an excellent alternative to save, earn interest and even use bank money for everyday life.