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Explore the digital nail test to find the perfect nail design that complements the shape of yours before making.

Find the ideal style for your nails

Find it style for your nail and stand out in a unique way, transmitting your personality through nail polish color and nail shape.

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Explore patterns, textures like matte, creamy or translucent, and even create custom designs to express your individuality

If you are an art enthusiast looking to explore new colors, designs and nail decorations, the application YouCam Nails – Nails & Fun, certainly, is the perfect tool to transform your style ideas in reality.

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Available to android It is iOS, it combines a nail polish simulator, online nail design and countless decoration options.

Nail polish simulator with augmented reality

Through augmented reality, you can select the perfect color that complements your style nail and adapts to the occasion, in real time.

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In other words, offering a realistic representation of colors, providing an accurate view of what your nails will look like after application.

Online nail design: customize your art with ease

Once chosen the color that matches the nail, it’s time to get creative with online design.

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Nail decoration: add shine and unique details

Nail decoration is the icing on the cake, and the YouCam Nails offers a wide variety of options for elevate your style.

From stickers and jewelry to graphic or delicate patterns, the options are virtually limitless.

Experiment with different decorative elements to create unique combinations that will highlight your nails and reflect your personality, regardless of the shape of your nail, as it caters to 5 types of formats.

Test and discover: The virtual simulator that reveals the perfect design

Therefore, the YouCam Nails – Nails & Fun It's more than a digital nail test.

It is a complete tool for anyone who wants to explore, experiment and express their creativity.

Since choosing the perfect color to customizing nail designs and decorations, this app offers a complete experience to find the ideal style for your nails.

Transform your nails into a true work of art!