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If you're curious to find out your baby's sex, know that there are several apps that can help you.

Here, we will help you find the ideal app to reveal your baby's sex and also present other ways to find out this special information.

Find the ideal app for this

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Apps to find out the baby's sex have become increasingly popular among future parents. 

They offer a fun and exciting way to predict whether you are having a boy or a girl. 

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Among the best known and most reliable applications, we highlight BabyCenter and the Eden Baby.

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Choice guide: Apps to find out gender

O BabyCenter, for example, offers a baby sex calculator, which uses the date of your last menstrual period and the day of conception to predict the baby's sex based on the so-called Chinese Pregnancy Table. 

Already the Eden Baby allows you to make predictions based on your lunar age and month of conception, following Chinese tradition.

Both apps are easy to use and can be downloaded for free.

Download the app you identify with the most for free:

BabyCenter – iOS or Android.

Eden Baby – Android.

See other ways to reveal this

In addition to apps, there are other ways to try to find out the baby's sex. 

One of them is through the ancient Chinese table technique, which uses the mother's age at the time of conception and the month of conception to predict the baby's sex. 

Although it is not scientifically proven, many people believe in the accuracy of this table.

Another way is through observation of pregnancy symptoms. 

According to popular belief, the way a woman carries her belly, changes in her skin and hair, as well as her food preferences, can indicate whether she is having a boy or a girl. 

However, these are just assumptions and there is no scientific evidence to support them.

Choosing an app to find out your baby's sex can be a fun way to pass the time during pregnancy. 

Although there are no guarantees of accuracy, these applications and alternative methods can bring a little more excitement and curiosity to this special phase of your life. 

Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy and look forward to finding out your baby's sex!