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With the popularization of smartphones and streaming services, watching movies anywhere and anytime has become a reality for many people.

And, with the wide variety of platforms available, it is possible to find a wide variety of unpublished films to be watched by cell phone.

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In this article, we will explore three examples of trusted platforms to watch unreleased movies on your cell phone.


Mubi is an independent film streaming platform offering a carefully curated selection of unreleased films from around the world.

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The platform is known for its emphasis on arthouse and auteur cinema, with a variety of titles not found on other streaming platforms.

Each day, Mubi adds a new movie to its catalogue, and each movie is available for 30 days.

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This means users always have access to a fresh selection of unreleased movies.

One of Mubi's main advantages is the quality of the movies they offer.

Unlike other streaming platforms, which focus mainly on popular titles and blockbusters, Mubi is committed to auteur cinema and cinematic art.

Furthermore, Mubi is platform independent, which means that it is not controlled by major movie studios.

This allows them more freedom to choose the movies they want to include in their catalogue.

Another advantage of Mubi is the quality of the mobile app. The app is well-designed and easy to use, allowing users to quickly find the movies they want to watch.

In addition, Mubi offers additional features such as lists of films recommended by film critics and an industry news section.

Criterion Channel

Criterion Channel is another movie streaming platform that focuses on classic, arthouse and auteur films.

The platform is known for its selection of restored and remastered movies, which means that users can watch movies they have never seen before in superior quality.

In addition, the Criterion Channel offers additional resources such as audio and video commentary by directors and film critics.

One of the main advantages of the Criterion Channel is the quality of the selection of movies they offer.

The platform focuses on classic and auteur films not found on other streaming platforms, allowing users to discover new films and directors.

In addition, the Criterion Channel is known for its picture and sound quality, which means that users can watch movies in the best possible quality.

Another advantage of the Criterion Channel is the quality of the mobile app.

The app is well-designed and easy to use, allowing users to quickly find the movies they want to watch.

In addition, the Criterion Channel offers additional features such as lists of films recommended by film critics and a section on film industry news.


filming is an independent film streaming platform that focuses on arthouse, classic, and auteur films, as well as documentaries.

Headquartered in Spain, the platform has a strong presence across Europe and offers a wide range of unreleased films that can be watched on mobile.

One of the main advantages of Filmin is the quality of its film selection.

The platform offers a wide range of art, classic and auteur films that are hard to find on other streaming platforms.

Additionally, Filmin prides itself on its selection of documentaries, which cover a wide range of topics.

Another advantage of Filmin is the quality of the mobile app. The app is well-designed and easy to use, allowing users to quickly find the movies they want to watch.

In addition, Filmin offers additional features such as lists of movies recommended by film critics and a news section about the film industry.

competition is high

In addition to these three platforms, there are other options for streaming unreleased movies that can be accessed via cell phones. Some of them include:

🎥 Shudder: A horror movie streaming platform offering a wide range of unreleased and classic horror movies.

🎥 Kanopy: A movie streaming platform that is free for users with a library card. The platform focuses on arthouse, classic, and independent films.

🎥 Fandor: An independent film streaming platform that focuses on arthouse and auteur films.

However, it's important to remember that not all streaming platforms offer unreleased movies legally.

Some platforms may offer pirated movies, which is illegal and can have negative consequences for users. Therefore, it is always important to choose reliable and legal platforms when watching unreleased movies on mobile.


Watching unreleased movies on your cell phone has become a reality thanks to the streaming platforms available.

By choosing reliable and legal platforms, users can gain access to a wide range of art, classic and auteur films that are not found on other platforms.

Mubi, Criterion Channel and Filmin are three examples of trusted platforms for watching first-run movies on mobile, with carefully curated selections and well-designed apps.

However, it is important to remember that choosing reliable and legal platforms is essential to ensure a safe and legal experience when watching movies on your cell phone.