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The market is really dynamic, we wonder if it is possible that a company worth 1.2 billion dollars could go through some kind of financial turmoil, or even a crisis. The answer is yes! This is because in recent months Facebook has lost more than 250 Million Dollars of its value, we even know that Facebook has been losing many users around the world, and suffering several lawsuits in courts around the world due to its supervision, collection and storage of data of users.

If all the comment we have in the financial world were not enough, Mark Zuckerberg himself announced for his directors to prepare, because Facebook will go through some winds, some storms, some crises over the next few years; he called it “difficult times will come.”
Even Facebook's big bet on Metaverso, which incidentally is now Facebook's new name, reduced the company's investments in its future by reducing the hiring of engineers by almost 30%, considerably reducing technological investments; if that wasn't enough, there is a huge community of experts saying that the announcement of the metaverse was anticipated and considered inappropriate for the moment, and that even Facebook itself does not have a defined project, it does not know where it wants to go with the metaverse, nor what it represents.

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The reasons for this drop in Facebook's income and financial revenue are due to several reasons, which we can mention some of them, TikTok for example, which has been growing a lot around the world and conquering the age group of those who are not opening their accounts on Facebook, Apple that changed iOS privacy control and management so that iPhone users don't have their data exposed, so Facebook can't deliver the proper ads as advertisers hire, having less advertisers, less ads, less advertiser buyers and less billing.

Is Facebook a repeat of a Kodak? which was once considered an innovative company but which did not remain in the market, would Facebook be a “new” Orkut, and will it not be ostracized alone anymore?

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Or is Mark Zuckerberg proving what he himself said about the technological future: “The future will be private.”

We don't want to believe that a bigtech like Metaverso could cease to exist in the market, but that there will be big changes and adaptations, ah! that yes!