Breathing apps will help you?

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Breathing APP are digital wellness tools that help users relax, reduce stress and manage anxiety. They can be used at any time of the day and provide a variety of breathing exercises.

These apps provide users with access to audible instructions, calming music or natural soundscapes to ensure they can complete their desired practice with ease.

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Whether you're an experienced meditator or an absolute beginner, the breath apps are the perfect way to support your practice.

We've listed 3 apps for you to get started today.

App 1: Relaxing Music

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Helps you through the use of calming melodies designed to evoke feelings of peace and well-being. With its combination of sounds, rhythms and beats. It transports the user to a place of calm and rest.

The app has two main components: streaming music and breathing exercises.

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As you breathe slowly to the rhythm of the melodies, you will experience an inner stillness that improves your mental clarity and reduces stress levels.

App 2: Calm

It's perfect for anyone looking to relax and unwind from life's stressors. With a wide variety of content, users can enjoy meditation exercises, bedtime stories, music and much more.

These tools are designed to help people gain mental clarity and focus by alleviating anxiety.

They have stories narrated by well-known celebrities such as Stephen Fry, Matthew McConaughey, Laura Dern and Cillian Murphy that can help transport listeners into a relaxed state of mind.

New stories are added regularly, so there's always something new to experience in Calm.

Application 3: Headspace

Mindfulness and guided meditations all in one place. The app is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface that makes it easy for anyone to use.

It offers access to 10-minute meditations, with teachings from renowned experts on topics such as stress relief and productivity. Additionally, Headspace includes personalized reminders that remind users when it's time to practice mindfulness or take a break from their busy lives.

Choose yours and get started today!