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With the ESPN and Yahoo Sports apps, you have the complete coverage of NBA, with live games, replays and in-depth analysis.

Professional Basketball Coverage on the ESPN and Yahoo Sports Apps

A NBA stands out as one of the main professional basketball leagues, enjoying immense popularity both in the United States and internationally.

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Featuring renowned stars such as LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry and James Harden, the league also incorporates new talents this season, such as Russell Westbrook at the Los Angeles Lakers and Kyle Lowry at the Miami Heat.

With a strong digital presence, NBA connects you with other fans globally, allowing them to follow their favorite teams and players.

That's why we've selected 2 of the best apps so you can have a complete viewing experience and follow the season.

ESPN: Your NBA app

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The ESPN app is an undisputed reference for sports fans. With comprehensive coverage of NBA, offers live gaming streams, expert analysis, exclusive news and exciting highlights.

The diversity of content allows you to immerse yourself in the basketball universe, whether you are interested in detailed statistics, interviews with players or epic moments from past games.

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Download for free from app store or Google Play.

Yahoo Sports: Watch NBA games on the app

Yahoo Sports provides real-time news, live scores and instant updates on the games of NBA and other sports.

In a combination of simplicity and efficiency, the application has an intuitive interface and also offers features such as video highlights, statistics and rankings.

Furthermore, you can download it for free from Google Play.

For more NBA and other apps

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The Giants of NBA Broadcasting on Your Mobile Device

In short, whether you are a fan of detailed statistics and analysis or someone looking for quick and efficient updates, the ESPN and Yahoo Sports apps are ideal partners to experience the intensity of the NBA online.

These platforms not only stream games, but enrich the viewer experience by providing a deeper dive into the exciting world of professional basketball.

So, download now and experience all the excitement of NBA.