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✰ Avoid lighting lamps during the day, after all, why turn on the lamp during the day, if there really is this need, something is wrong, open the window! It is better to let the sun in by opening the windows and curtains wide.

✰ Do you like dark walls? Dark colors on the walls require more power bulbs, which consume more electricity. Leave your home clean, especially surfaces such as walls, ceilings and floors, the clearer and reflect light, the better.

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✰ Keeping the shower on switch option in summer saves 30% energy at least. Iron the clothes at once, that's right, gather and iron them on one day of the week. Always use the temperature indicated on each clothing label. For greater savings, start with the parts that require the lowest temperature.

✰ For washing machines, dishwashers and dryers, it's worth understanding: the less you use them, the more you reduce energy consumption, but you bought it to use, didn't you? So use it when you accumulate a greater number of bows, no washing a plate all the time.

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✰ Do you usually sleep while watching something? Program the television to turn off after a certain time.

✰ The fridge consumes 30% from your energy bill. For greater economy, with less consumption, install it in a well-ventilated place, away from the stove and the sun. Avoid constantly opening and closing the door. Leave it to place and remove food at once, try not to store food that is still hot in it, as this requires an increase in the power of the refrigerator's motor, thus consuming more energy. The efficiency of your refrigerator can be improved by cleaning the condenser coil annually. Also check the door sealing rubber, cleaning it to avoid drying out or replacing it if it is cracked. It prevents cold air from escaping. Never use the back of the refrigerator to dry dish towels or clothes from

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✰ Turn on the iron only when adding a huge amount of clothes. If you use an automatic iron, one of the more modern ones, start thinking about the clothes that require the device to be less hot and then iron those that require high temperatures.

✰ When turning on the air conditioner, close doors and windows to prevent outside air from entering. Always clean the filters, as dirt prevents air circulation, forcing the device to work harder.

✰ If the shower element burns out, replace it. Reusing, mending old resistance only consumes more energy.


✰ 40% of daily water consumption takes place in the bathroom. A bath, relatively quick of 3 to 4 minutes for example, consumes approximately 40 liters of water, that's right, 40 liters of water, imagine now the time-consuming baths? Brushing your teeth with the faucet running wastes the equivalent of 5 liters of water. Leaks or dripping faucets, which almost nobody cares about, can generate an expenditure of 46 liters per day.


Watering the garden for ten minutes consumes 190 liters of water

If you take 15 minutes to wash the dishes, and you have the habit of leaving the faucet running, 243 liters of water are gone.

 A washing machine, with common functions, and with a capacity of 5 kilos uses 135 liters of water. To save money, it's best to turn it on only when it has full capacity. 

You like to wash your car at home, right? You have thrown away 150 liters of water.


The flame of the gas burners must be blue in color. If it has a yellowish tone, it is a sign that there is waste. Do not leave the fire on while putting food in the pan.