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Avoid unwanted interruptions on your cell phone with efficient applications to block SPAM calls.

SPAM calls have become a plague on modern smartphones as they interrupt our daily activities and make the phone experience less pleasant.

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Fortunately, there are applications specialists who can help combat this problem.

Whoscall: Accurate Identification and Efficient Blocking

Whoscall is an application that stands out for its accuracy in identifying calls and efficiency in blocking SPAM calls.

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Its comprehensive database allows users to identify unknown callers before they even pick up the phone.

Additionally, Whoscall offers a user-friendly and simple interface, making it easy to manage your blocking settings.

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To optimize the experience, it is advisable to keep the application database updated.

Whoscall allows users to contribute to the community by adding information about suspicious calls.

In this way, the effectiveness in identifying and blocking SPAM calls is constantly improved.

Download at iOS or Android.

Truecaller: Smart Blocking and Real-Time Identification

Truecaller is widely recognized for its ability to identify calls in real time and automatically block unwanted numbers.

In addition to blocking SPAM calls, Truecaller also has features to identify unwanted SMS and telemarketing.

Its intuitive interface makes it easy to manage blocked contacts and personalized settings.

Therefore, to maximize the effectiveness of Truecaller, it is recommended to enable automatic updates and allow the app to access your phone's contact list.

This way, Truecaller keeps its database up to date, ensuring accurate caller identification and effective protection against SPAM calls.

Available to iOS It is Android.

CallApp: Complete Protection and Social Network Integration

CallApp offers a comprehensive approach to blocking SPAM calls, combining caller ID, auto-blocking and social media integration.

The app provides detailed information about incoming calls, including contact details and even social media updates.

Thus, this integration allows users to quickly identify unwanted calls and take necessary action.

Top tip for CallApp users: Take advantage of the app's customization features.

Configuring blocking preferences and setting specific rules for certain numbers or call types can significantly improve CallApp's effectiveness in combating SPAM calls.

Download at Android.