richest people in the world

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When we talk about richest people in the world, we can consider a select group of billionaires who together add up to trillions and trillions of dollars. Recently, Forbes magazine released the list of 2021 billionaires that caused great surprises among economists.

The list features ultra-rich men, and the curious thing is that the number of wealthy people increased after the pandemic hit the world economy hard, threatening jobs and people's livelihoods.

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According to Forbes magazine, billionaires are worth more than 13 trillion dollars, 5 trillion more than the sum of all the riches recorded in the 2020 list. On the list, the US continues to lead with the most billionaires, followed by China .

The richest people in the world

The following is a summary of the list of the richest people in the world.

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1 – Bernard Arnault

This Frenchman became the richest man in the world, he owns a conglomerate of brands, owning seventy brands of haute couture, jewelry, cosmetics and drinks. Among the brands, we can mention Louis Vuitton, Sephora, Christian Dior, Tiffany&Co and Dom Pérignon.

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Part of his fortune was inherited, as his father started in the construction sector, and in his son's hands the empire was consolidated. The name of his group is LVMH, which specializes in luxury products and has a fortune corresponding to 192.2 billion dollars.

2 – Jeff Bezos

Have you ever heard of Amazon, the store that sells everything? Jeff Bezos owns this brand. He founded the world's largest online retail store, Amazon, in the mid-1990s in his garage or backyard.

Graduated in electrical engineering and computer sciences, Bezos was the richest man in the world for four consecutive years until he lost the post to Frenchman Bernard Arnault.

Jeff Bezos has a fortune of around 180 billion dollars, and invests in other companies such as The Washington Post and the aerospace company Blue Origin.

3 – Elon Musk

Born in Pretoria, South Africa, he moved to the US at a young age with the aim of studying. On American soil, he founded his first company, Zip2 Corporation, which provided content for online newspapers in the 1990s.

Over time, he closed his first companies and ventured into the automotive and aerospace market, creating Tesla Vehicles and Space X. He also created the company “X” that would soon become PayPal.

4 – Bill Gates

The creator of Windows was, for many years, the richest man in the world. He created his first software at the age of 13, and with the sale of the most popular operating system for PCs, he accumulates a fortune of 126.2 billion dollars.

The most curious thing about his life story is that Bill Gates did not complete the computer science university course he was studying at Harvard University, as he left the course to start his own business.


When evaluating the list of rich people, in addition to fortunes, we identified profiles of enterprising, dedicated people who seek to innovate in some way to transform people's lives. In addition to having responsibility for money management.