fastest growing brands

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Do you know what the fastest growing brands on the market every year? It is really difficult to track data for so many options. But we have separated here a series of information about the brands that grew in 2021. Check it out!

The fastest growing brands and their performance in 2021

Every year, the company Kantar generates a report on the brands that grew the most during the year. This material is refined every time before being published, and therefore the dissemination is always more accurate.

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This promotion, which has been operating uninterruptedly for over 16 years, is called Kantar BrandZ Global. Proving to be one of the best tools for measuring the acceptance of a brand by the market.

The process is not easy, and involves working through a company's financial statements and selecting only what is related to the brand.

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Furthermore, they systematically evaluate millions of consumers, ensuring an even deeper assessment of the topic.

So, part of this effective and refined result is what you will see now.

1 – Amazon

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Amazon is undoubtedly one of the most relevant companies in the e-commerce model in the world. Being a website that supports not only its own products, but also thousands of other stores.

Many people make Amazon one of the most important structures for the profitability of their work. And so, the sustainable model grows every year.

In 2021, the company took a leap forward and increased its brand value by almost 70%. Reaching 683.8 billion dollars.

2 – Apple

Apple is without a doubt one of the biggest device and hardware brands on the market. Having its architecture closed, but guaranteeing unparalleled quality.

Last year its brand value growth reached almost 75% increase, exceeding 610 billion dollars.

3 – Google

If there is an increase in the amount of internet use, it is undeniable that there will also be an increase in the value of Google. Being one of the most versatile cloud service providers.

Today the company has already surpassed 40% of increase in value, reaching a total of 457.9 billion dollars.

4 – Microsoft

In a recent move in recent years, Microsoft has managed to stand out with a series of quality cloud services. Delivering a real experience and perfect environments for developers.

However, the growth was one of the lowest, around 25%. After all, the company already had a market value that was too large to be able to grow so much in a single year.

5 – Tencent

Lastly, let's bring in a giant Chinese company, which had a growth of 60% in its brand value.

Being practically a competitor to Google that may or may not be a match for it soon.

So that's it, we hope that seeing the history and advancement of the fastest growing brands has inspired you. But if you have any questions or comments, feel free.

Also take advantage now and check out this material about the companies that innovate the most in the world.

To the next!