reputable technology companies

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It has increased the number of reputable technology companies in the global market. Currently, technology is one of the strongest segments of the economy.

Around the world, companies are dedicated to creating and offering platforms that solve different types of time and service acquisition needs.

Top 10 technology reputation companies

1- Apple

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Apple has a market value of more than $2 trillion. Since its inception, it has been used to design, manufacture and market different technology products such as personal computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, entertainment devices and others.

2 – Microsoft

One of the most traditional companies in the operating system market, Microsoft has a market value of 1,865 trillion dollars. It is recognized as a major developer of software and devices, with Windows and the Office Suite as its main products.

​3 – Amazon

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From our list of reputable tech companies, Amazon couldn't be left out. The store that sells everything, starting with books and e-books, has a market value of 1.591 trillion dollars.

Currently, it has the largest number of employees employed in the technology sector, Amazon is among the companies with the most valued shares in the investment market.

4 – Alphabet Inc.

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Do you know Google? The biggest search engine on the internet belongs to a company that changed its name, Alphabet Inc. It has a market value of around 1,500 trillion dollars.

5 – Facebook

The world's largest social network is valued at around $900 billion. It is known as the fastest growing digital marketplace company in the world.

The social network was developed by Mark Zuckerberg and launched in 2004 to bring together university students, but over time it began to integrate users who were not students and who wanted to share content and experiences.

6 – Tencent

We are talking about a Chinese company founded in 1998, and currently valued at more than 700 billion dollars. It is known as one of the largest gaming companies in the world, owner of brands such as “League of Legends”, “Arena of Valor” and “Fortnite”.

The company also invests in e-commerce, social networks, internet portals, payment systems, internet services, smartphone games, among others.

7 – Alibaba

China's sales portal is also among the world's top ten technology companies or technology retailers. Alibaba is valued at $636 billion.

8 – TSMC

TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) is valued at US$636 billion and operates as the world's semiconductor circuit maker and foundry, widely used in the computer industry. No wonder it is on our list of the 10 companies with technological reputation.

9 – Samsung

The Samsung brand is well known in world retail, it is valued at 636 billion dollars. It manufactures common consumer electronics, but also operates in the construction of ships and aircraft to life insurance.

It has three technology divisions, Consumer Electronics, Information Technology and Mobile Communication and Devices.

10 – Tesla

One of the largest electric car makers in the world, Tesla is valued at $580 billion. The company is responsible for manufacturing electric cars, electric batteries, solar panels and clean energy storage.