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Find out what the apps to get your baby to sleep quickly. Your baby will sleep peacefully all night long.

In fact, the search for peaceful sleep of a baby It's a common journey for many parents and caregivers. 

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In this way, technology emerges as a valuable ally, through applications developed specifically to assist in this challenge. 

Therefore, we selected some applications with different features and benefits, providing personalized solutions to guarantee a more peaceful night's sleep for both babies and their parents.

Read below.


White Noise for Baby Sleep

White noises are everyday sounds that not only help children sleep, but also calm them when they cry.

O White Noise for Baby Sleep It is a very popular app in this environment. Well, it emits familiar sounds such as, for example, those of a hairdryer, air conditioning, vacuum cleaner and fan.

In addition, it also emits sounds already known to have relaxation effect, like ocean waves, birds chirping, waterfall and more unusual ones like train ride, thunder and more.

Download: app store.


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BabySleep-Sleeping Quickly

BabySleep is an app for that moment when you don't know what else to do to calm your baby's mood.

For example, the baby is fed, changed and rocked, however, he cannot sleep.

The developers were based on the theory that routine sounds such as shower, hairdryer, fan, washing machine, among others, but at low frequency, generate a kind of affective memory in the baby.

Since they represent the way of how sounds are heard inside the uterus, causing a feeling of security and therefore calming you down.

Download: Google Play.

Sleepy Baby – White Noise

Finally, the Sleep Baby-White Noise, similar to the previously mentioned applications, also emits low frequency sounds, however, has more than 40 different types of noise.

This includes popular everyday sounds as well as relaxing songs.

Additionally, you can record the baby's favorite sounds and save them in the gallery, so you can use them whenever you want.

It has a light or dark theme menu option and an easy-to-use interface.

Download: Google Play.

Important informations

For more information about the applications, visit Google Play or app store.

We are not responsible for errors or problems that may arise from application distribution platforms; the responsibility belongs to the developers.

This article is only intended to inform and entertain, so take advantage and download the application that best meets your needs.