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Technology has evolved a lot in recent years, allowing more and more people to have access to information and tools previously available only to specialized professionals.

One of these tools is the ability to view satellite images on your cell phone, which has changed the way we see the world.

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In this article, we'll explore how apps are making these images more accessible and what their applications are.

What are satellite images?

Satellite images are produced from images captured by satellites that orbit the Earth.

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These satellites are equipped with cameras and other sensors that capture images of the Earth's surface from different angles and wavelengths.

These images are then processed and combined to produce high-resolution images that can be used in many areas, such as environmental monitoring, agriculture, urban planning, tourism, among others.

How are apps changing the way we see the world?

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With the advancement of technology, applications have become increasingly accessible and easy to use. This also applies to applications that allow you to view satellite images on your cell phone.

Nowadays, there are several applications available that allow accessing these images in an easy and intuitive way, without the need for specialized knowledge or expensive equipment.

One of the main benefits of the applications is the ability to view satellite images in real time or near real time, which allows you to monitor ongoing events such as natural disasters, traffic movements and even observe the Earth during sunset. or the rising of the moon.

These apps also allow anyone, anywhere in the world, to access high-resolution images of the Earth, offering a new perspective on our planet.

Applications of satellite images by applications

The satellite images captured by the applications can be used in several areas. In agriculture, for example, images can be used to monitor plant growth, identify areas lacking water or nutrients, and assess the health of crops.

In the area of urban planning, images can be used to map the expansion of cities, identify risk areas and plan future development.

Another important application of satellite images by the applications is in environmental monitoring. The images can be used to monitor deforestation, pollution, melting polar ice and climate change.

This information is essential for understanding the impacts of human activities on the environment and developing strategies to minimize these impacts.

Limitations of satellite imagery by applications

Despite the advantages offered by the satellite images, it is important to remember that they have some limitations. For example, images can be a few hours old or even days old, depending on how often the images are captured.

In addition, the quality of images can be impaired by weather factors such as clouds or fog. This can limit the ability of applications to provide accurate real-time information.

Another important point is that the satellite images provided by the applications are publicly accessible and therefore may not be available for all regions of the world.

In some cases, you may also need to pay to access newer or higher resolution images.

Despite these limitations, the satellite images still offer a unique view of our planet, allowing anyone to have access to valuable information about the world we live in.

They are an essential tool for monitoring real-time events, understanding environmental changes and developing strategies to protect the environment.


Satellite imagery applications are changing the way we see the world, offering access to information and perspectives that were once only available to experts.

They are a valuable tool for monitoring real-time events, understanding environmental changes and planning for future development.

Despite limitations, satellite imagery applications have an important role to play in our understanding of the world and our ability to protect the environment.

As technology advances, these apps are likely to become even more accessible and accurate, offering an even more complete view of our planet and its changes over time.