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We are identifying the most innovative companies in the world. Innovation has become more demanded in times of a pandemic since 2020, whether to provide better services through applications, improve the customer experience and develop market solutions.

The list of companies that invest the most in innovation comes from a ranking survey by Fast Company and other institutions. This ranking is responsible for analyzing companies that seek innovation around the world.

The list of the most innovative companies in the world

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Below is a summary of the most recent list, including the most well-known companies.

1 – Modern

This company was the most dedicated to developing the vaccine for Covid-19. Their vaccine was based on mRNA and proved effective with 94% after two doses.

2 – Pfizer-BioNtech

The union of the two laboratories created a conglomerate in favor of creating another vaccine against covid-19. We are talking about the North American pharmaceutical company Pfizer and the German manufacturer BioNtech, which together managed to develop one of the first vaccines to be applied in the USA and in a large part of the world.

3 – Shopify

In times of lockdown caused by the pandemic, merchants and resellers could rely on Shopify to convert physical points of sale into e-commerce stores in a more targeted and secure way.

​4 – SpaceX

We are talking about one of the first private companies in space exploration and sending rockets into space. She seeks to fire in the private space race.

In recent years, it has become the first private company to send NASA astronauts to the International Space Station.

5 – Spring Hill Company

This corporation seeks to unite entertainment with social justice in the Hollywood industry. That company belongs to NBA player LeBron James and Maverick Carter. The corporation seeks to produce, distribute and propagate content that gives voice to creators and consumers who felt taken advantage of, ignored or poorly attended.

6 – Epic Games

This company sought to challenge Big Tech's hegemony, in search of something much better. It seeks to create new avenues for social media through engaging games that engage its users.

7 – Netflix

You stopped watching TV or stopped going to the cinema, so you subscribe to Netflix, one of the main brands of movies, series and other content via streaming.

8 – Tock

This company is a kind of North American cousin of our Ifood. During the pandemic, it helped closed restaurants to be able to deliver meals remotely, including the collection service.


The list of this ranking is renewed annually by Fast Company and seeks to analyze the largest companies by sector, initiatives and creativity.

The main objective is to identify companies that can solve market and customer problems in an innovative way and that exceed expectations of experiences and applied technology.

The list also includes large corporations such as Microsoft and others that promise to reduce pollutant emissions into the atmosphere and protect the environment more.