booming jobs in Brazil

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You booming jobs in Brazil deserve to be researched and recognized by the best professionals looking for a good placement in the job market.

However, we know that choosing a profession and being able to work in it is an increasingly growing challenge in our country. On the other hand, it is possible to obtain the best information about the market in a given sector, seek self-knowledge and learn about the perspectives of each area.

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In this way, it becomes easier to evaluate the best opportunities and identify which professions are in fact on the rise in Brazil.

In recent years, new careers have emerged and old occupations have gained more relevance, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

In this article, we present the occupations that are really in demand in the country to help you find new opportunities.

List of hottest jobs in Brazil

Below we present the main occupations that are looking for new talents, see which one you identify with best.


The ADM sector has always been necessary for different sectors, until the present day the technical and superior course of Administration is considered as one of the most complete that exist in the university chairs.

By studying different areas, the professional may be required to work in different markets, from common retail to the technology sector.

In times of crisis and economic recovery, companies of different sizes are hiring more administrators to format new management models and the application of new management practices for the company.


We are talking about one of the oldest professional activities in human history and our economy. In Brazil, the demand for good professionals in this area with technical, academic and even postgraduate training has also increased.

Generally, in companies, the professional in this segment is responsible for analyzing and organizing the company's cost flows, duties and rights with regard to financial, tax and labor obligations.

He is responsible, for example, for the corporation's tax return, being able to act autonomously through consultancies, and also being able to find better opportunities acting as a hired employee within a large corporation.

Production engineer

In recent times, the engineering sector has become very promising in Brazil. Among the areas that have attracted the most attention, production engineering offers opportunities in small and large companies, mainly in the technology sector.

Since his university studies, the professional has been dedicated to working on the efficiency of production processes in order, for example, to improve results and reduce costs for the company.


In times of internet, software and application growth, the computing area has demanded good professionals who can help Brazil consolidate a business environment that is actually driven to favor the growth of new and old companies that seek to digitize different types of businesses and transactions.


In the last two years, even before the 2020 pandemic, these areas already showed promising growth for professionals. But, after the pandemic period and during the vaccination process, areas related to management, technology and control became fundamental.