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Find out what facial recognition technology is and how is transforming point control and combating illicit practices such as 'buddy punching‘.

How Facial Recognition Is Changing Our Game

O buddy punching, a practice in which employees improperly record the presence of colleagues at work, costs companies valuable time and resources.

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The technology biometric facial recognition emerges as an effective solution to face this problem, offering security and accuracy in attendance records.

👉 You can have the application on your cell phone

Preventing Fraud in Time Controls with Biometrics

The applications of facial recognition are great examples of this technology, as they allow companies authenticate employee presence in a unique way and infallible.

When capturing facial features, such as iris patterns, contours, and unique features, these apps ensure that only the registered individual can check in.

In this way, applications contribute to fraud prevention, since, the 'buddy punching' becomes virtually impossible with the implementation of these applications.

Facial ID accurate and instantaneous prevents third parties from recording the presence of colleagues, ensuring accurate counting of hours worked and significantly reducing financial losses associated with time not worked.

Furthermore, facial recognition systems are highly secure.

They use advanced algorithms to protect the employee biometric information, ensuring privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.

Finally, it acts efficient in human resources management, as it facilitates schedule management and payroll, thus saving time and resources.

The Future Now: Facial Biometrics in the Prevention of Buddy Punching

The applications of biometric technology of facial recognition in time control, represent an innovative and efficient solution for companies to deal with the problem of buddy punching.

Its precision, security and ability to reduce financial losses make them a smart choice for companies seeking to optimize their processes attendance record and ensure the integrity of its operations.

If your company faces challenges related to buddy punching, consider implementing facial recognition applications

Then, could be the answer to increasing efficiency and precision in controlling employee presence.