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Disney Pixar🏰💡, known for creating incredible feature films such as “Toy Story”, “Finding Nemo”, “The Incredibles” and many others, enchants people of all ages and all over the world.

Therefore, the new trend is to create avatars inspired by the producer's films, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Microsoft Bing image creator as the main tool.

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In this article, we explain how to use Bing to create your avatar and follow current trends.

1. Exploring Microsoft Bing Image Maker AI

Access the image creator Microsoft Bing and describe in the dialog box the details of what you are going to create.

Click Join and Create and sign in with your Microsoft account.

2. Choice of Characters and Scenarios

The first step to creating a Disney Pixar-inspired trend is choosing the characters and scenes you want to incorporate into your design.

Disney Pixar films are known for their charismatic characters and stunning locations.

With Bing's image maker AI, you can browse images of your favorite characters and iconic scenes for inspiration.

3. Description Command 

Take into account the type of character you would like to create and the scenario in which they are inserted, as this directly influences your description.

For example, a woman walking in a park, a dog on top of a mountain. These are simple commands that will bring results based on what was described.

If you want a character with specific characteristics, the command text must follow the pattern of specifics, such as eye color, hair, clothing styles and the film that served as inspiration.

Artificial Intelligence works through textual commands, so you need to be as clear as possible in your description. Afterwards, just click create.

The site offers options to share and save the generated images.

4. In Practice – Personal Testimony

What did I say to the AI?

“Create a poster in the style of Disney Pixar films in 3D with a team of 3 people, including a blonde woman with long hair, pink t-shirt, glasses and light brown eyes; a bald man with little hair on the sides, with a long black beard, healthy brown eyes and a gray t-shirt; and a man with short dark brown emo hair, brown eyes, no glasses and a black t-shirt. Call the movie The Team.”

After several attempts, this command was the one that worked and came closest to the expected result.

Even changing the color of my brown eyes to blue, it was the closest we could get to “reality”.

Expectation x Reality

When I asked for a poster in the style of the movie “A Bug's Life,” she returned three human characters, all with hair (the boss is bald) and one with antennae. I ended up giving up on this command.

Seriously now!

The biggest difficulties encountered were being able to accurately describe the physical characteristics of the “characters” and making the AI understand the commands to reproduce them accurately.

There were many disagreements regarding physical characteristics, such as eye color, wearing glasses, and the character's gender.

For example, glasses on characters that don't wear them, even with the command specifying that it was without the accessory, change of eye color and gender, hair on a bald character.

It took several attempts for the command to understand and even then, it did not return with complete accuracy.

4 Magical Tips from Master Gepetto👴🤥

  • Keep in mind what you intend to create, whether it is a pet, a child, what setting it will be in (park, city, beach, among others).
  • Describe your character's physical characteristics, including eye color, hair, clothes and accessories, if you want something more specific. Coat or breed if it is a pet and so on.
  • Be clear in the description and write correctly
  • Try different commands as many times as necessary, as the site sometimes doesn't understand the message the first time.

Unleash your Creativity

Bing's image maker artificial intelligence offers an innovative way to explore the magic of Disney Pixar and create design trends inspired by its iconic films.

Whether you're an amateur or a professional, AI is making it easier than ever to bring your creativity to life and share it with the world, inspiring and delighting people everywhere.

So don't hesitate to explore the magic of Disney Pixar and let your imagination soar.