Imagine a car where urban mobility, day-to-day routines, is possibly comforting. That day has come.

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We talk a lot about how much the future of mobility is electric, autonomous, in short, it is super technological; but that's not all, I think that especially with us it makes a trend for the future, the car is also very much linked to well-being, lifestyle and comfort; and automakers are already keeping an eye on this, and they bring a series of innovations, and we'll talk all about that for you in this topic.

Cars now have a whole convenience footprint, and bringing a more concrete example so that you understand this better, AUDI, the company announced a concept car for megacities in China, and what is different about this car in the end? why is it designed for megacities? what do megacities usually have? A lot of traffic!

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And everyone is tired of going through traffic, then going through the market which is very populous, there are a lot of people, there are many cars, and a lot of traffic, to make the car local, where it is possible to work, study, rest, the car it has six seats but these six seats become beds, they become a workspace, you can control the ambient light, you can put screens to watch something, to become a monitor, for example, so it is a transformation in the way the car is used, and this is possible because in the future the expectation is that mobility will be autonomous

So the driver no longer has that role of driving, and then having to be 100% attentive to what he is doing, so that he can choose what to do, in carrying out other activities.

Whether it's a job, or accompanying your child there at school, today there are cameras and you can monitor their performance from a distance, and the company defends and even has an official statement from the Asian Audi executive, which is no longer about leaving a point A to a point B, no, there is much more behind it which is this whole question of experience, the immersive question of resting, relaxing, or working, doing other functions inside the vehicle, so I think it is a great idea , and it is very likely that this is here to stay, because while the traffic problem is not solved, mobility companies will come forward with a plan B for this one for these people, for those who depend on the vehicle.

 When we talked about the mobility of the future, we thought of the Jetsons, we thought of flying cars and everything else, well, that's not it yet, but electric autonomous cars are something more tangible, so in Silicon Valley, we already see autonomous cars driving, and the expectation is that the person in the back seat will have more space to do whatever they want, anyway, let's wait for that future and we'll tell you all about it.