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The growing concern for the environment and the search for sustainable practices have driven the development of applications that promote ecology and sustainability.

These apps play a key role in educating, engaging and facilitating the adoption of more sustainable behaviors.

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In this article, we list five applications that stand out in this scenario: Rota de Reciclagem, Earth Rangers, Sustentabilizando, RecycleNation and Plantnet.

1. Recycling Route

The “Recycling Route” is an essential tool for those who want to do their part in recycling.

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This application was developed for users to easily find recyclable waste collection points in their region.

Simply enter the type of material you want to recycle, such as paper, plastic or glass, and Recycling Route will display the closest locations where you can deliver.

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In addition, it provides information on how to correctly separate materials and gives recycling tips. It is available for iOS.

2. Earth Rangers

The “Earth Rangers” app is an excellent way to involve children and young people in the cause of environmental conservation.

Designed to be educational and fun, the app allows users to learn about wildlife, environmental challenges and how they can help protect the planet by rescuing animals.

Children can virtually become “Earth Rangers” and carry out missions that promote awareness about nature and conservation, especially animals.

This is an innovative way to cultivate a love of nature from an early age. The application is available for devices with Android and iOS systems.

3. Sustaining

Sustainability starts at home, and the “Sustentabilizando” app is a practical guide to making your everyday life more environmentally friendly.

It offers tips on how to save energy, reduce water waste, adopt conscious consumption practices and much more.

Additionally, the app allows users to set personal sustainability goals and track their progress over time. This creates a sense of accomplishment and environmental responsibility, encouraging the adoption of more sustainable habits.

Available for Android only.

4. RecycleNation

“RecycleNation” is an app that makes the recycling process easier by providing detailed information about what can and cannot be recycled in your area.

Simply enter your zip code and the app will provide specific guidelines for local recycling. Additionally, the app offers educational articles on environmental issues such as waste reduction and responsible consumption.

With “RecycleNation”, you will be well informed about how to contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Download is available for android and iOS.

5. Plantnet

The preservation of biodiversity is fundamental to the health of our planet, and the “Plantnet” application plays an important role in this process.

This app allows users to identify plants and flowers using their mobile device's camera. Just take a photo of the unknown plant and the app will provide you with detailed information about it.

Additionally, “Plantnet” allows users to share their observations and contribute to a global plant database. This is essential for monitoring species and ecosystems, helping to conserve biodiversity.

The application can be downloaded from the Google Store and App Store.

Ecology and sustainability apps play a key role in promoting more conscious practices in our daily lives.

They not only educate and inform, but also facilitate the adoption of sustainable behaviors, encouraging us all to play an active role in environmental protection.

This way, we can contribute to a greener future, where preserving the planet is everyone's priority. So, be sure to explore these tools and do your part for this important cause.